
Earth Sciences


Earth Sciences

Earth Sciences Collections curates several worldwide collections including fossils (~100,000 specimens) of invertebrates, vertebrates and plants as well as several thousand minerals and rocks, all essential resources for research, outreach (e.g. displays) and teaching. Over the past 5 years grants exceeding $700,000 have used the fossil collection for research and/or outreach components. The collection includes type specimens available to UCR faculty and graduate students as well as to researchers/institutions worldwide. The fossil, rock, mineral and sand collections support teaching of Geoscience courses GEO 1,2,3,7, 10, 11, 100, 116, 118, 120, 122, 123, 124, 151, 152, 225A&B, and 251. Fossil, mineral, and rock specimens are also loaned for teaching in Botany and Plant Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Biology. Outreach to the community and local schools include utilizing the collections for displays in the museum hallway of the Geology building. These are a popular stop for thousands of prospective students and parents on campus tours as well as hundreds of elementary school visitors. Each year 5 to 10 graduate students gain experience and provide a valuable service using selected specimens from the collections during classroom visits to local schools.

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