
Botanic Gardens


Botanic Gardens

The UCR Botanic Gardens includes 40 hilly acres and more than 3500 plants with emphasis on native plants from California, Mexico, and other Mediterranean and desert climates. It is a resource for UCR teaching biology and plant biology, while also serving as a wildlife sanctuary. It provides plant materials for research and for exhibiting species from all parts of the world. The Gardens are heavily used by local 2 and 4 year colleges, and high schools, for biology laboratory classes. From 2,000 to 3,000 high school, middle school and elementary school (grades 3 thru 12) visitors receive docent-led plant biology and nature tours each year, mainly in the spring. Grades K thru 3 are encouraged to attend with their own teachers. A self-guided tour brochure is available at the entrance gatehouse. The Gardens are strongly supported by a 700+ Friends support group and it is popular with the Inland Empire community, for it is the only museum on main campus open at weekends. The Gardens has a significant outreach component and a positive impact on UCR's connection to the local community. Support and development funding from UC horticultural and The Community Foundation totals $10,000 to $20,000 annually. Two plant sales help with garden maintenance, while Primavera, a wine and food fundraiser, helps support the Friends schools nature-education programs. From 30,000 to 40,000 people visit the Botanic Gardens each year. Periodically the Gardens team with the Riverside Metropolitan Museum to enhance traveling nature exhibits.

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